Edna Gets Painted! – Cloverdale, CA

Lookin’ all perty!

Oh man, it was a long time coming. I got pulled over in Ojai a little over a year ago after I was visiting Zhena’s Gypsy Tea headquarters. The officer told me that it was illegal to have a “school bus yellow” school bus in the state of California if it wasn’t operated by a school district (although it could be “lemon yellow” if I wanted). Fortunately, as I saw him dig into a law book, he could not find the specific law and he let me off with a warning. A year later another officer in Arcata told me that not only could I be fined, but my bus could be impounded. NO, not Edna Lu! The situation seemed dire. I needed to paint her.

Ronnie takes off the bumber

I had gotten flaked out on for painting Edna by two different people who were supposed to help me with knowledge and equipment. Frustrations were high, but a new friend indeed stepped forward. His name is Ronnie. He’s a man with a whole lot of heart. He volunteered his time to get me over to his friend Brandon’s shop in Cloverdale, CA, where he paints everything from cars to heavy machinery. Since I already had prepped the bus for taping and painting, and bought the paint, we decided on a reasonable price for getting Edna sprayed.

That very same day Ronnie, Brandon, and I got down to business taping and washing with the help of Jim (who’s been a big help all the way since the beginning) and Jonathan (an anarchitect with similar passions). Taping her up was a relatively fast process in the beginning, but then it just seemed to drag on an on. Once she was taping and clean she was ready for a spraying. I left and came back after dinner to an incredible sight. Edna had been primered and the first layer of paint was getting put on. Wow!

Pressure washing

The morning was like Christmas, with Jim and I tearing off all the tape and paper. Each piece brought us closer to the full picture. Once the bumper, mirrors, lights, and reflectors were back on, she looked like a charm. Wow, I didn’t even recognize her. She was so clean and shiny!

I still have to take off all the wheels and paint both sides of the rims (only the outsides are painted), as well as paint the stripes on the sides and the roof rack. I am also going to paint on some simple floral/gypsy stencils on a couple spots. Otherwise she’s done, and I am happy to have a legal makeover!

It takes a community of people to do this. Thanks so much to all the people who volunteered and put in their time to help give Edna a new look – one that will help make the bus more inviting to more people.


Jimi helps sand

Matt helps smooth out welds


Jonathan helps tape


All taped and ready to spray

Seve helps scrub


All primered



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Green Festival 2009 – San Francisco, CA

With the Mountain Rose Herbs women

I can’t even get over this weekend. It went so well. A long drive with a bus full of ridesharers brought Edna and I to the Green Festival in San Francisco. Mountain Rose Herbs gave me a pass for the weekend, and when I was checking in I realized that another one of FTP’s sponsors was there, Zhena’s Gypsy Tea. On my way to find both of their booths, I glanced over to see that I was passing the Organic India booth, another one of our sponsors. I had my teacup in hand with a FTP sticker on it and the woman at the booth said, “Guisepi?” And I said “Heather?” I had never met her in person, but she has offered a lot of tea to us, so we were glad to finally meet. Wow, three tea sponsors under one roof!

A diverse crowd

As the Green Fest was winding down on Saturday evening, Edna and I pulled up out front and opened up shop. All kinds of good folks came by for tea, including four women who work for Mountain Rose Herbs. The party was happening, which was awesome for the MRH folks who were there. A lot of people don’t really get what our tea parties are all about until they actually participate in them. Although MRH already appreciated our tea parties enough to sponsor us, it was good to actually get them an in depth look at what they’re like (and I think they loved it!).

This tea party led us to rideshare folks over to a Hamsa Lila concert, a Green Fest after party and Common Vision fundraiser. The spot we got was epic – right on the corner by the show. Tea was made by the potful, with every kind of person in attendance from homeless to houseful, Indian to American. We used a bunch of chalk that I got at a thrift store to draw big arrows and signs directing people to the bus from the show and the street.

Two sisters from a different mister

As the bars closed and people wandered the streets, a crew of guys entered the bus. It was late, so the bars wouldn’t let them in for the 10 minutes they needed to connect, so they were happy to find the bus with open doors. They inquired as to what was happening. One of them in particular was very curious as to what was going on and why. I told him and he was speechless. “In India we call that seva, or service to god. Is that what you’re doing?” I told him, “I guess, if that’s the way you want to think about it.” He said, “Oh my, I just have to do this,” as he bent towards the floor. Not knowing if he was going to bow, or what, I got shy and told him not to do whatever it he was about to do. He said he must, and he bowed to touch my feet. How does that make me feel? Part of me really appreciates how much he likes the tea party concept, but I also do what I do in order to promote the equity of people, and the foot touching thing was putting myself in a higher position than another. It was both pleasurable and uncomfortable.

Cross-country walker George

The next day brought us an amazing parking spot right out front of the Green Festival. After seeing Starhawk speak, I set up and served tea pretty much all day. Some great people showed, including friends from Arcata, last year’s Green Fest, Harmony Fest, San Juan Island, Colorado College, and a whole bunch of newbies. Earlier I met a fellow named George, who is walking across the country in order to encourage healthy living (“I walked 20 miles today, will you consider walking 20 minutes?”). He stopped by the bus and I told him that he follows in the footsteps of Peace Pilgrim. His project, which can be found at EnjoyTheWalk.org, was inspiring, and I was stoked that he stopped by for a while to sip tea and share with everyone. Irene, the Marketing Director for Mountain Rose Herbs, came by for a while, which allowed us to connect on a personal level, not just email. Towards the end of the tea party we were overcome by a huge crowd of two dozen international travelers from all over the world.

A fiddler plays a tune

Somehow the MRH women got put in charge of bringing a whole box of kombucha to Dead Prez, who were performing at the Green Fest after party on Sunday. We smothered the package with Make Tea, Not War, Free Tea Party, and I heart Herbs stickers, and threw a few inside for good luck. Dead Prez received the package with joy, and I was stoked to pass them on to them. Two weeks earlier after I saw Immortal Technique come out on stage with a cuppa tea, I gave him some Make Tea, Not War stickers too!

New friend





Yes, that’s a tea bag tattoo!

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Contention and Compassion at Arts Alive! – Eureka, CA

Musicians stop to share their abundance

I had just told someone that I have never been asked to leave anywhere for serving tea in the 3 and a half years that I have been serving tea (okay, just once by the police on Hollywood Blvd.). I guess I didn’t knock on wood, and I got the police called on me. I never want to offend anyone, and I always succeed at trying to keep a good rep anywhere I go, except last Saturday.

A month ago I had pulled up to Arts Alive, a downtown art walk in Eureka, CA, and a regular tea serving location.  I parked on my usual block, but in front of a store that I had never parked in front of before. I kindly spoke to the woman who owned the store and told her what I was doing and asked if she minded. She did, and I didn’t want to cause any trouble, so I moved to another location across the street.

This month I was coming into Eureka VERY late to get a good parking spot at Arts Alive, so when a spot opened up close to the front of the aforementioned business, I took it. Just as I starting to do a quick clean and put some water on to boil , I noticed a man who I thought I recognized as another shopkeeper giving me a mean look as he crossed the street to the shop which I was parked in front of. He went to talk to the business owner and I saw them staring at me.

The shop owner came out and told me to leave in a harsh voice. I told her I was very sorry, but what seems to be the problem? She told me that she didn’t appreciate what I do and that I need to leave. I told her that I would, but I asked why she was so upset. She said the I can’t sell my tea there, that I needed a permit, that I was illegal because I didn’t have California plates for being in CA for so long. All of these accusations coming at me, I kept my calm and tried to refute them as calmly and respectfully as possible, but as much as I was saying I’m terribly sorry, but I’m not selling anything, or I’m registered as a motorhome, which means that I can invite people into my home and have a tea party, or actually, I just came from Washington, she wouldn’t let me finish a sentence. She continued to treat me like an animal. She kept saying so you’re not going to leave, and I would say, no, I’m going to leave as soon as our conversations is over, but can you just please have a human conversation with me? Her response was I’ve heard your spiel before, but you you have to leave and you can’t sell your tea here.

She obvious wasn’t going to listen, or even treat me like a human being. I began to feel alone and in the wrong. How could someone treat me like such dirt and not even listen to me as a fellow human? I began to wonder how this could be if what I was doing was good in any way?

Things began to look up when I started up my bus to leave and a police officer came to talk with me. I stopped the bus and we talked for a few minutes. As I was talking to the officer several regulars on the tea bus looked on with worry, and I even pointed out regular tea-sipper Kelly to him, who brought homemade cookies. I gave him my Free Tea Party sticker and told him that I wasn’t selling anything as the Free part of the sticker implies. He told me that I was completely within my legal rights, but that my desire to be kind to the shop owner and leave was probably be the best thing for everyone.

I drove away. I noticed a guy who had came before when I was being asked to leave. He told me that he was very impressed as I had taken a whole slew of verbal abuse and responded with nothing but kindness, and that he owned several businesses in the area and if I ever wanted work to contact him.

I found a new spot, set out a rug and chairs, and put a full pot of water on to boil. All sorts of regulars and newbies wandered through. We had a song played for us, and the musicians drank some tea. Kelly brought her cookies. Lots of regulars showed, but I was a couple blocks down from the main area, so many did not show. But what made up for it were the many people who were there to support me after such a crazy interaction. The best of tea parties came out that, with people offering to write letters to the Times- Standard, singing songs, sharing, etc.

I had to stop people from being hostile to the shopkeeper, and reminded them to treat her (and everyone) with respect, and in fact that she needs love and respect more than anyone. It is funny too, because if she had embraced the tea bus, all the people and community that come with it (and especially at Arts Alive), would get people into her store and stoked to be around her business. But now there are a lot of people who are upset and probably wont ever give her any business. I feel for her, and I hope her the best with learning how to have a proper conversation with someone who she has a problem with, as well as with finding more love and compassion in her life.

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Working on Edna – Healdburg, CA

Pulling out old insulation

Throughout the Spring and Summer, I have been taking time amongst all the travel and tea serving to make some major improvements to Edna. One of the major things was taking out all of the interior sheet metal panels, tearing out the old insulation and replacing it with recycled cotton insulation from Organic Grace. Part of the reason I did this is because I had noticed when I took off some interior panels that there were huge gaps in the old insulation, especially below and above the windows. I also really liked the idea of getting that nasty old fiberglass insulation replaced with non-irritating recycled cotton. It pleases me to make a warm, cozy, and non-toxic atmosphere on the tea bus! Thanks to Seve for help with this process…

Old insulation

The plan was to replace the sheet metal on the ceiling with plywood reclaimed from my brother’s house that he is remodeling. On one side the plywood is faux wood paneling, but the other side is great plain and beautiful plywood. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to put the wood up (although I did build a steam bender for it using a teapot to produce the steam – *UPDATE: steam-bending plywood doesn’t work. I ended up scoring the back every 1/2 inch). The next time I had the time to do the wood ceiling I decided to focus on installing the skylight, which took more time than I thought to install. This means that I didn’t have time to put the wood ceiling up again! Ahhh. So frustrating that everything takes so long, especially since it is mostly just me working on it. The skylight, however, ended up great. I cut the hole in the ceiling smaller than needed and bent up the edges and had them welded together to literally make the roof the flashing. It is awesome, and lets in so much more light!

New recycled cotton insulation

In the past months other things that have been accomplished are: clear biodiesel compatible fuel lines were installed in order to figure out air leaks in the fuel system, leading to the discovery of a leaky fuel pump and replacing it; Edna got a name tag inside made of carved wood; a propane heater is being installed right now; rewired new lights for the ceiling made from brass and glass with LEDs.

I just spent over a week prepping the bus for being painted. Washing, sanding, welding, bondo-ing, grinding, scraping, resealing, scrubbing, screwing, unscrewing, etc. I even picked out colors, bought paint, took off trim… Unfortunately it ended up not working out with the help that was offered to me to paint the bus, so I am going to have to wait to do it.

This is one thing that frustrates me. There are a lot of people who offer to help, but don’t follow through. It seems to be a growing trend. It always seems to be the same kind of people. They are excited about the bus and FTP. They have something they’d like to offer in terms of helping with the bus. But they wont commit to accepting anything I offer (money, work-trade, etc). It seems like some of the creative and skilled people who want to help either tell me that we can accomplish a lot more than we can (which leaves me with less-than-complete projects), or flake out completely leaving my hopes and dreams in shambles. Ahh, frustrating. Please, I will help you if I say so, if you only do the same.

Skylight frame that I had the corners welded on

My dad always taught me that the only person you can rely upon is yourself. However much I don’t want to believe that, I think it is very true in many circumstances. I mean, I like that saying as it emphasizes self-reliance, but I also like to believe that communities can come together to make things happen. That’s why I like to do projects and help people in every community that I visit.

This frustration has led me to tentative plans to get a shop for this winter where I can focus energy on bus building without worrying about relying on other people to help (but obviously not closed to it either).

New skylight and insulation


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Teen Night at the Funhouse – Orcas Island, WA

Tea with Teens

Wow, what a group of kids. An early afternoon of serving tea at the Orcas Island Farmers’ Market led to being asked to bring Edna to Teen Night at the Funhouse, a community center for kids that “fosters fun and learning…” We backed into the playground right out front and set up shop. It can be intimidating sometimes to have such a huge drove teens at once, and even puts me in a situation of being self-conscious. I want to be accepted among their peers just as much as they do!

What good conversationalists

Nevertheless, it is always great to have such a young and eager crowd at tea parties. It not only reinvigorates me with youthful energy, but it is a pleasure to interact with people who are so receptive. Age tends to set us in our ways, limiting our ability to think about and interact with things that are “different.” It has been said that kids have just as much to teach us as we have to teach them. Experience guides what adults have to share, and lack of experience, which is intimately tied to an incredible openness to the nature of reality, is much of what kids have to share. In this way, I thank them for being able to help formulate a more open format to discussion. I like to think that oftentimes the discussions that happen with youth on the tea bus can help keep them relating to that openness to what reality is and what it can be.

Thumbs up

Of course, it was also great to hear all the latest gossip amongst them, as well as get an idea of how it is that kids are thinking these days in regards to life and politics and the environment. We also had a good discussion about the idea of what the word ‘free’ means. Does ‘free’ really mean free? We agreed that in the marketplace it doesn’t… Can one then take that idea and apply it to our individual lives as members of the land of the free? What freedoms do we have? Where does my freedom encroach upon your freedom? What does it mean to be free?

Thanks to all the eager teens, Whitney, and the whole Funhouse!

The Funhouse

Properly sipping tea

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Islands’ Village Faire and ‘On Peace’ – Friday Harbor, WA

Tea Camp

25 gallons of free tea!!! That means 500 cups of tea in one weekend! I think that’s a new record. I even got to try out my new parabolic solar water heater that I finished building there at the fair. It didn’t work quite as well as I had hoped, but it got my water hot enough for tea in a little over an hour and a half. It still needs some more experimentation. My dear friend Tea also set up a hair-cutting station in our side zone, which made it Tea and Free Tea (People jokingly asked if Tea was really in jail when they saw the “FREE TEA” sign).

I had been away from the Islands for longer than I ever had since I moved there when I was six. It is amazing how great it is to see people you grew up around, even if you didn’t really know or care for them. Spending time among people is what builds bonds, knowingly or not, wantonly or not, which is why it was so great to see everyone who is part of the Island community – my community. Even though I am a nomad, I know that I can go back to this place anytime and it is still home.

Tea giving me a haircut

On another note about communities and the characters therein, I also realized how amazing it is to see all the different characters in my community that fill the archetypes for characters in other communities I visit. Not every community has every type of person, but you can be sure that there are certain roles that almost every community has, and it is fun to link in my mind people from my hometown community with people I meet in other communities. It is perhaps this recognition of character types (not to generalize or say that the similarities are rigid or exact) that makes me feel like I already know so many of the strangers that I meet along the way.

Even though I grew up here on San Juan, there are always more people to meet, which was great this weekend. The side zone that the tea bus has created this and last year is a good break from the central activities and music, which brings people by casually and often.  It is also fun to share the Free Tea Party with people who know me as a certain person when I left the Island, but has evolved into who I am now, eight years after I moved away.

Tea Zone

It was a weekend of mixed emotions, knowing that this was a great celebration for local people, goods, and music, but also knowing that it was going to be the last on this piece of property with it being turned into a housing development. What started out as a good idea from the San Juan Community Home Trust for affordable housing with solar panels and on site natural waste water treatment, many people believe has turned sour. For latest developments (pun intended) on this matter from the SJCHT, please see their news page here. It is not my place to say whether this is a good or bad things, as there are merits in both developing affordable housing and keeping a beautiful homestead and community gathering area intact.

On Peace:
I figured that with the picture above being the photo for this blog entry, I might as well write up a short piece on peace. I usually try not to be too blatant with messages of such. It seems to be more effective to show rather than tell. When we try to tell someone that peace is the right way, they are less likely to listen. But when they see that peace is the right way, it is obvious. On another note, I don’t wish to convince people that peace is their path, only that it is my path and the path of the Free Tea Party, and written below is why. While talking about peace we must also remember that peace isn’t just a political term used on a national and international context, it is also can be on a personal level (inner peace), family level, and community level.

Solar hot water heater

It is always a wonder how someone can not want peace. Who wouldn’t want to feel comfortable with who they are (inner peace)? Who wouldn’t want to be able to communicate effectively with their family and friends? Who wouldn’t want all peoples and nations to interact without violence?

I guess I ask these questions not only to you, but to myself as well. My answers – There must be people out there who would rather punch someone for bumping into them on the street than accept a simple apology. There must be people out there who would rather make a buck than think of someone else’s life.

Why do these kinds of people exists? One answer is that studies have shown people who have grown up with less frontal lobe development (from lack of freedom, always being told what to do, etc) are more likely to be violent or lash out without using the benefits of the frontal lobe (rational thought, ability to read people and social interactions – i.e. the ability to make good decisions). Certain misbehaviors can also be linked to traumatic and unpleasant events and upbringings. Going deeper, we can also look at things like herd mentality. When looking at the trials of the Nazis, one finds that many people allowed themselves to commit atrocities not only because it was ordered, but because it was accepted. We all make up stories and reasons in our head as to why what were doing is right, even if we deep down know it is wrong.

Yet, I also believe that there are people who are not peaceful on purpose. Often times people consider money, power, family, and other things over peace.  Is it more moral to use violent means to feed your starving family than to let them starve, if those are your only options? I can’t answer that. And because these type of situations are few and far between, I am not going to address them. But, what I will address is putting money or power over peace.

Edna on the ferry

I do think that many people who want power have created a story in their head that they are going to bring about peace or goodness for many people (including themselves and their family). However, I think oftentimes this story can get warped. I’ve seen the power of money turn people I know into ego-trippers. I’ve seen people who make a lot of money get inebriated with the idea that they can make more and more and be in charge of more people and never stop, even at the limits they set for themselves earlier on – limits which seem to gradually get farther and farther along down the road of selfishness the more money that is made. What does this have to do with peace? It is the same with people in political and economic power. When profits and power seems so real and pleasurable, people will disregard their workers, citizens, environment, and even other countries workers, citizens, and environments.

It is only in inequity (or a perception of inequity) that non-peaceful means of communication and interaction exist.

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Rideshare – Santa Rosa, CA to Friday Harbor, WA

Clowns and Pirates

Oh boy, what a journey. Working hard on the bus and and a desire to connect with island roots brought my friend Ali (above center right) and I to the conclusion that we should head north for the Islands’ Village Faire on San Juan Island. We swiftly convinced her dear friend Mandana (above center left) to join and we were off. The first stop, a pirate party in Santa Rosa, left us with a “arrgh”s and a good theme for the rest of the trip. Vests were a must and clown noses were flaunted.

Joining the trip was Roxy (above left) in Santa Rosa, Matthew in Eureka, and Pi in Wolf Creek Oregon – not to mention a couple hitch-hikers from Eureka to Arcata, and again from Eugene to Portland (one of whom I had drank tea with at the Anarchists Book Fair in San Francisco several months ago).

Rider Pi

Interesting times came our first night when we camped out at what we were informed was a “landshare” in Wolf Creek, OR. Arriving after dark we met Pi, our next ridesharer, who instantly made us at home with offerings of places to sleep and insight as to the status of the property. This landshare originally created as a space to hold gatherings of the Radical Faeries and friends, but has since evolved into a functional intentional community. The next morning brought delights such as breakfast in the huge communal kitchen barn, meeting some of the people who lived on the land, and a tour of the property. Highlights included the solar shower, garden, labyrinth, gingerbread outhouse, Al and his gyspy-wagon house on wheels, and Blossom with his loom and workshop. Check it out here.

Portland, OR welcomed us on the streets for tea parties. Hawthorne brought friends, new and old – two of my best friends from high school, a friend from college, a gal who i met in Berkeley and who gave me a wonderful knit cozy for a mason jar. We had a playing card magic show and a fellow who is known as the Mad Hatter because of his love for teas made let us brew up a pot of tea that he was carrying around with him. A new girl to town was given a list of resources she was interested in from experienced Portlanders.


In Seattle, Broadway was the street of choice. More good friends, Sarah (a fellow tea server), and randoms all showed their faces, but one of the highlights was George the Cat. A fixture of Broadway, this beefy cat is fed by almost everyone who is a regular on his block. His owner even came by and told us that he was willing to give him away to get him off of Broadway, as he was scared that he was going to get hit on his four block walk to and across busy Broadway. Although George refused the cooled tea that I offered him, he did have a certain affection for me.

Ahh, home, sweet home San Juan Island. Arriving the place I grew up since I was six was on of the most blissful experiences I’ve had in a while. Read about it on the next blog entry about the Islands’ Village Faire.

Solar Shower at Wolf Creek Sanctuary

Al and his sourdough starter

Al's Gypsy Truck


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The Free Farm Stand – San Francisco, CA

The Free Farm Stand

With an invitation from Tree, the Free Farm Stand’s operator, my friend Sara and I headed over to Parque Niños Unidos. We couldn’t find parking at the park, which ended up great, as Tree had a spot for us to serve in the Park, right there amongst the people and next to the stand.

The Free Farm Stand provides free local and organic produce, seedlings, farm advice, etc. to low income people and families. They set up every Sunday at Parque Niños Unidos (Treat Ave and 23rd St.) in the Mission District of San Francisco handing out food that is left over from farmers’ markets, home gardens, and the community garden, which is located in the park.

Tree in the community garden

Our tea went real fast, especially because it was iced. I had to re-up by taking some local herbs that Tree gave us (chocolate mint, orange mint, lemon verbena) back to the bus to brew up.  I added some local honey that Tree also gifted us, and the people loved it. We also sliced some of the bread that the stand was giving out to eat with Apricot Jam made with apricots from last week’s stand.

A good man, Tree is… and similar passions we share. Whereas it is tea for me, it is food for him. Although, I think that the reason we share so much is that it is not in the physical object that the value lies to us, but rather in the ideas and ideals that the food and tea represent… and it’s all for free.

Free tea

Free produce

Free Farm Stand flyer

Free bread

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The Really Really Free Market/Dyke March – San Francisco, CA

The Dyke March overwhelmed the RRFM

Several months ago at the Anarchist Book Fair a tea-sipper told me about the Really Really Free Market, which takes place the last Saturday of the month in Dolores Park. The concept is fairly simple. The RRFM is a participant driven free market place, with everything from goods to music. No barter. No Money. Just Gifting. Why? Community, reusing, recycling – basically for the people and the planet. Check out their site for more info.

My friend Sara and I showed up early to get set up. We realized a couple days before that the Dyke March was going to be happening at the same time, so we were prepared for both. The shier size of the Dyke March (wikipedia says over 200,000), over-powered the area where we thought the RRFM would be in Dolores Park. Sara made up a huge batch of (mostly) organic hummus, which we walked around and shared with sliced day old bread and whole loaves with people sitting in the park. We had a sign that said “Free.” It was a funny experiment, and Sara and I observed that when one person in a group says no, the rest of the people in their group says no, but as soon as one person says yes, more people in the group will say yes too. It’s the same way with tea too. People were also curious why we were doing what we were doing, so we got a chance to explain what the RRFM is all about (even though we had never been to one), and that it was taking place at the same place and time as the Dyke March, even if they couldn’t tell. And even we couldn’t find it!

Punk rocker who jammed out and thought we had Curt Cobain’s dead body under the bed because Edna has Washington plates

When our sliced bread dwindled, we headed back to the bus for the day, welcoming people to share our space and sip some iced tea. Sitting there sharing stories and tea with people, a Friend named Alex showed up, who ended being the person who had told me about the RRFM originally. I guess the RRFM was actually happening across the street and an interaction began between them and the the tea bus. It was great!

Wonderful people kept stopping by all day. Couchsurfing people, RRFM folks, Om Shan-tea peeps… People kept telling us all day about this Free Farm Stand run by a fellow named Tree. When we were shutting down in the evening, an older fellow came by and asked what we were doing and why, and got excited. It ended up it was Tree and he told us to come by the next day to host a tea party at the Free Farm Stand if we’d like. Wow, San Francisco is full of amazing folks!

A gathering of tea sippers

So many cops, yet no hassle

A Friend who first told me about the RRFM

Iced tea in the shade

Conversation over washing dishes

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Now Presenting… – Healdsburg, CA

The zone

Advertised as “a showcase of creativity and talents,” Now Presenting… brought people together to share their artwork, music, performance art, communal art, etc. On a solar-powered piece of property, we gathered for a day to learn, show, tell, perform, eat, drink, and be merry. There was a stage with live music, comedy, and more. Vendors were selling everything from crocheted bikinis to photography. And, of course, there was free (iced) tea.

As part of a community that supports Edna and I, it was awesome to have so many friendly Healdsburg folks around to share the day with. A friend, Robert, brought several gallons of some home-made sun tea, which we iced and people loved. We strung mine and Robert’s (matching) parachutes out from Edna to a flagpole to some trees and a swing to create a shaded area for people to relax in. It is great what creating a space can do for an event (or what it can do to create an event). Thanks to all the super supportive folks of Healdsburg and the surrounding area!

Iced tea and smiles

Edna looking nice

Get it while it's cold!

Solar Barn roof

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