Tag Archives: anarchist

Bus Building – Ceiling and Interior Metal Frame

As I took out the old metal ceiling I realized that my roof was leaking – and pretty bad at that. When I painted the bus November I resealed the entire roof, but upon inspection I found that two of … Continue reading

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Anarchist Book Fair – Manila, CA

  This was the beginning of a 16 hour, 3 event tea serving day. Whew, exhausting… I was actually surprised at how few people at this fair came to drank tea. I thought that of all people, it would be … Continue reading

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Anarchist Book Fair – San Francisco, CA

A crazy rideshare of anarchist, punk, and rainbow kids left my trip to the Bay Area for the Anarchist book fair a little out of balance. We left Arcata to a group of funny travelers and houseless folks singing “cause … Continue reading

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