Tag Archives: AZ

Announcing West Coast Tour – Spring Update – Alabama Hills, CA

Yes, y’all, you hear correctly! Edna and I will be spending this year serving free tea from San Diego, CA to the San Juan Islands, WA. Our kick off was Edna’s 10-year anniversary in Ocean Beach on the first day … Continue reading

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Winter Update – Writing Retreat! – Blythe, CA

We made it! To our winter retreat, that is. Edna Lu and I rolled into Blythe, CA just a couple days ago in perfect time to start our winter writing (finishing the Tea Bus Factory Service Manual – hopefully!). We’re … Continue reading

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Spring Update – Austin, TX

Hello, friends and family! Two years ago on March 20th, Edna Lu (the tea bus) and I started a 2+ year North American Tour. This tour was imagined as a journey around the continent with no itinerary, allowing us to … Continue reading

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25,000 Cups of Free Tea – Flagstaff, AZ

Another milestone is upon us! On Friday evening we served our 25,000th cuppa free tea at the First Friday Artwalk in Flagstaff. As we set up for the evening, we only had 30 cups to go, and I was a … Continue reading

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Herb Folk Gathering – Mormon Lake. AZ

  Whoa! We’ve been fairly stationary in Orange County for months. This weekend blew me back into the family and tea bus explosion world. The Herb Folk Gathering is a yearly herbalism conference at Mormon Lake, AZ with plant walks, … Continue reading

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Autumn Update – Flagstaff, AZ

Howdy, folks! Another season is upon us, and the most exciting news I have to share is that WE LEFT THE WEST COAST! Right now we are in Flagstaff, AZ on our way to The Herb Folk Gathering – the … Continue reading

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Summer Update – San Juan Capistrano, CA

Another season is upon us. It seems like they just keep rolling through. I guess time does fly when you’re having fun… Since our last update in Spring, Edna and I haven’t traveled too far or served an enormous amount … Continue reading

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