Tag Archives: tuesday tea

Leaving Town – Eureka, CA

After spending the winter serving tea every Tuesday on the Arcata Plaza we had made many new tea sipping friends, and plenty of the old ones were still kicking around as well. We set up at Arts Alive with the … Continue reading

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5000th Cuppa Free Tea – Arcata, CA

People often ask me how I count my cups of tea. I do have to admit that it is an estimation, not an exact science. Basically, I estimate that there are 20 cups of tea in a gallon of water, … Continue reading

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Last Arcata Tuesday Tea Party

A record breaking evening it was! 8 gallons of tea, which by all estimations is 150 cups. All the regulars showed up, and many newcomers, led by eager tea-sipping friends and the barrage of craigslist ads placed in the free … Continue reading

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Inauguration Day Bash 2009

This official Moveon.org Inauguration Bash on the tea bus rocked. We watched the inauguration and Bush’s farewell speech on the computer and listened to DJ Z-Trip’s Obama Mixes. All in all we served 5 gallons of tea, which we estimate … Continue reading

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Tuesday Tea

Every Tuesday for the past two months Edna and I have been serving tea on the Arcata Plaza. It has been great to have regular tea-sippers again. It was three years ago this month that I started serving tea on … Continue reading

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