Tag Archives: salvage

Two Years Off the Road – San Juan Island, WA

Wow, has it really been that long? Ally says she’s surprised at how well I’ve adapted to a new life that has almost completely altered my identity. Although, it hasn’t been as smooth as she makes it out to be. … Continue reading

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Front Street Grocers – Thomas, WV

  I warned y’all recently that I was going to start posting more having to do with the other kinds of sharing we practice as we travel. Although serving free tea is one of the main ways I like to … Continue reading

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Summer Update – Thomas, WV

Well folks, summer is here, and so are some changes! I’m writing to let you know to expect a few changes in some of the things you see here on freeteaparty.org, as well as on social media. The biggest change … Continue reading

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The Cosmic Shed – Henderson, TX

“Y’all are getting a real dose of East Texas, with a capital T,” said our host Cindy partway through our stay at the Cosmic shed. Since arriving at the Cosmic Shed, Ally and I had met backwoods rednecks, experienced a … Continue reading

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Austin Tea Parties – Austin, TX

Ahhhh, a great little break for the tea bus. Edna (the tea bus) and I had been on the road, serving tea, and working pretty hard for the previous five month, and Austin offered us a place to decompress, do … Continue reading

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Back in the Big Bend – Terlingua, TX

Our trip out west on the train was extended by about 5 days, so we arrived back in Alpine, TX just as an abnormally bad ice storm was easing up. There were downed branches and trees everywhere, power was out … Continue reading

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Disc Golf and Curtains – Nevada City, CA

I just wanted to give a quick little update from the journeys of Edna Lu the teabus and myself, Guisepi. I’m sitting in a cute little tea shop in Fresno, where I spent way too much money on a pot … Continue reading

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Garden! – Eureka, CA

I’ve been lucky to again be using the shop space in Eureka where I built much of the interior of Edna the teabus. This time I was focused on getting my garden put in. For the past few months I’ve … Continue reading

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Steepless in Seattle – Seattle, WA

No, not really, I guess. We weren’t steepless at all. More like steepfull. We pretty much served tea all weekend here. I contacted my friend Pepper Proud upon arrival and asked what was happening and where would there be people … Continue reading

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Vaudevillingham – Bellingham, WA

What a great last event to do in Bellingham. Hosted monthly at the CirqueLab, this event brings out the best of variety entertainment from juggling to comedy to dance. There was such a fun group of performers and crowd alike. … Continue reading

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